ESSNA header

The voice of the sports 
& active nutrition sector


For over 20 years, we have campaigned for fair and balanced rules for the sports and active nutrition sector. We work closely with the industry, policymakers, and the media to champion responsible businesses and ensure the rules and regulations work for everyone.


Learn more


our members

Our members range from leading global brands to highly specialised manufacturers and distributors.

why join?

We help organisations stay up to date with relevant legislation and the latest industry trends, and we engage with decision-makers to make sure legislation is fit for purpose.
Membership of ESSNA provides organisations with:

Policy influencing 
& Advocacy

Policy insights 
& analysis

regulatory advice & PR support

& knowledge 

NEWS & insights


ESSNA unveils the sports and active nutrition’s industry policy priorities calling for changes on EU food law to allow for innovation in the sector

Policy priorities of the sports and active nutrition sector for new EU policymakers were unveiled today.

ESSNA welcomes performance nutrition brand, Science in Sport to its ranks

European Specialist Sports Nutrition Awards celebrate best brands and businesses of 2023

ESSNA welcomes new member JLB Développement in continued expansion drive

ESSNA welcomes Luca Bucchini as its new Chair